In May we are , for the most part, full into Spring.
I’m not sure if you have felt the stirrings of new life within you, but rest assured, Spring in the external world is matched equally by Spring in your internal world. Here’s the catch though….we have to be paying attention! Otherwise those small whisperings of new possibility are drowned out by all of the noise and distraction that we simply take for granted. Just as an aside….can you imagine the intense sensory overwhelm someone from another era would experience if they got “Outlandered” into today? Yikes.
I am a huge proponent of the practice of silence because that is one of the few ways that those tiny quiet voices of possibility ever stand a chance of being heard. So, being Spring and all, I encourage you to give yourself some growing time. What new green shoots are rising within you?
Energetically this is a time of rising up out of the earth, awakening from slumber and getting moving.
There are plenty of things that you can actively choose to do in order to nurture whatever is coming to life within you:
In terms of diet try adding in more leafy greens. Dandelions, violet leaves and chickweed are nature’s gift to us in the spring. They are wonderful cleansers for your liver and help to move stagnant energy thats been hibernating all winter long.
Add a new daily movement to your routine.
This does not have to be marathon training! It could be as simple as a short stretch routine, a walk in nature or maybe digging out that gym pass and getting in the pool!
I encourage you to also add a few mantras or affirmations into your day. Perhaps something like “I am open to growth and change”. Or ” I notice beauty in all that I encounter”. Of course gratitude is an all year, all life practice that I believe is elemental to wholeness.
Remember the only thing stopping you from living your beautiful life is you!. Take time to be quiet. Nourish yourself with good wholesome food. Be grateful and listen to the birds.
It really is the simple things that nourish us the most!
Enjoy the rest of Spring!!